Orla Frøsnapper, Bertram og hunden Pølse
A short animated film for young children, based on Ole Lund Kirkegaard’s famous story about the bully of all bullies, Freddy Frogface. The boy Bertram is sent to the butcher to buy chops for her mother. At the butcher Bertram comes across a naughty dog stealing sausages. The Butcher Lady promises a reward to the person who catches the sausage thief. Bertram and the dog, which he calls Sausage, become friends, while Freddy Frogface on his moped and with a pair of binoculars starts the hunt for the bounty and for the two friends. Orla catches sausage, but is it the right dog, who’s in the box when Orla comes to claim the bounty of the Butcher Lady?